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How to improve the performance of Marketing

01.04.2020 / News

by Joerg Puetz

The current Corona crisis has the marketing departments and its budget in its hands. A survey contucted by Gartner showed that 34% of 833 asked business leaders expect a lower level in business activity. 65% of the CMOs are already facing a cut in marketing budget (source: PerformanceIn)

Meany times for the marketing departments mean a reduced budget the reconsideration of priorities and the usage of the budget. As a consequence planned campaigns are partly conducted or get cancelled. Due to the lack of investment these campaigns however loose oftenly their impact and penetration power. There lies the risk that the marketing budget gets more and more fragmented.

In a crisis situation the sales contribution of marketing moves even more into the focus of the companies. The marketing performance becomes crucial.

Torsten Tomczak, Sven Reinecke, Silke Mühlmeier from the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland have developed a model on how to increase the company value by its market success. Proceeding from the growth model of the task-oriented marketing the goals of sales and marketing have to be dovetailed. For example questions such as "what is the contribution of marketing and sales in promoting customer loyalty?" or "what are the common KPIs of higher customer loyalty for higher growth?" have to be clarified. The developed strategy is highly important in the long-term, which has to be developed with great care.

By this the effectiveness and efficiency of Marketing and Sales measures can be improved within the meaning of a market-oriented business management.

https://performancein.com/news/2020/03/31/65-marketers-face-moderate-significant-budget-cuts-due-coronavirus-disruption/ (31.03.2020)

Tomczak, T.;Reinecke, S.; Mühlmeier, S. (2007, August). Der aufgabenorientierte Ansatz Ein Beitrag der Marketingtheorie zu einer Weiterentwicklung des ressourcenorientierten Ansatzes. Abgerufen am 31 März, 2020 von https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/44929/1/Arbeitspapier%20Der%20aufgabenorientierte%20Ansatz_2007.pdf

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